Muhajirin And Ansar

Muhajirin and Ansar

• When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) arrived in Madina, he declared brotherhood between the Muhajirin and the Ansar in the house of Hazrat Anas ibn Malik. There were ninety men – half of them from the Muhajirin and half of them from the Ansar – and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) declared brotherhood between them in charity and benevolence, and made them to inherit from each other in case of the death of any of them, in preference to their next-of-kin. This continued until the Battle of Badr took place, when Allah revealed:
“And blood relations among each other have closer personal ties in the Decree of Allah (regarding inheritance)…” (33:6), returning the right of inheritance to the next of kin, rather than those joined in brotherhood.


• The Muhajirin are those people who emigrated in the way of Allah from Makkah to
• The term ‘Muhajir’ is not applied to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself.
• The Muhajirin suffered greatly at the hands of the Quraish before their migration.
• Some emigrants had to leave their sons, daughters, wives or husbands behind for their religion.
• Some stole out of Makkah alone and made the arduous journey to Madina by themselves.
• Also, they took virtually no possessions to Madina, and thus arrived penniless.

“The sins of the emigrants --- are forgiven.”
“Those who believed, migrated and expended blood and treasure in fighting for the cause of Allah, occupy a high position.”


• The Ansar are the people of the tribes of Aus and Khazraj.
• These tribes had migrated to Madina in the twilight of the Himyarite Empire.
• These two tribes fought with each other, as well as the Jews with whom they shared the city.
• After Muhammad (PBUH)’s arrival, these two tribes lived in peace forever.
• After the establishment of the Brotherhood between the Muhajirin and the Ansar, the Ansar were eager to divide their every possession with their new brothers.
• Quite a few Ansar even divorced some of their wives to give to their brothers who had arrived from Makkah without their families or without their wives.
• The Ansar stood with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) through thick and thin right from the Battle of Badr, where Hazrat Saad bin Muaz, on behalf of the Ansar, pledged allegiance and unequivocal support to the cause of Islam. They did this, even though they were not required to do so by the Pledges of Aqabah.
• After the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), they gave up their right and reconciled with the suggestion that the next caliph ought to be from the Quraish.
• Along with the Muhajirin, they too made tremendous contribution to the spread of Islam by conquest and preaching.

“The sign of faith is love of the Ansar and the sign of hypocrisy is hatred of the Ansar.”
“If the people took one path, and the Ansar another, I would choose the path of the Ansar.”


  1. Replies
    1. Oh really saara parhlia tha πŸ˜‚

    2. hahaha wysy Pakistan myn ahsan raza jysy tharkeyon ki kami nai hy

    3. honestly this helped me alot thanks alot

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  5. Helpful notes.Due to these notes I am able to prepare my test.

  6. mashallah that's nice it helps alot thanks soo much!

  7. dear editor,
    do you have notes for science subjects as well?

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  9. great notes,but are these notes of iftikhar-ul-haq?

  10. Super I understand all these are very helpfull for olevel students

  11. Saree Assghiment likhlee😜😜😜😜
